The Nichiest Podcast Ever :: Take 003

The Nichiest Podcast Ever

A look at the nichier side of gaming by Bryan, Anne, and shidoshi.

//Take 003
//Topics: Nintendo announces shidoshi’s perfect 3DS XL (and some other models), all about the Wii U, a whole lot of talk about Tokyo Game Show 2012, follow-up about the Gaymercom name, Dead or Alive fans love big breasts, Cheerleading (Tokyo Jungle, The Denpa Men), and Nichiest of Them All.

//Radio site:
//Twitter: Bryan (@thegaygamer), Anne (@apricotsushi), shidoshi (@pikoeri)

4 Replies to “The Nichiest Podcast Ever :: Take 003”

  1. Thanks so much for the podcast! I really enjoyed it.

    I hadn’t heard of any of the games mentioned in ‘nichiest of them all’ this time! Nice job!

    Most of the super niche stuff I know is british, so that would be cheating :3

  2. Yes, I really enjoyed your nichi-ness podcastery as well! (As I do all your shows – thank you for continuing with them.) And I’m sure that some small shovelware iOS developer will hear your tales of Jingle Cats and try to make something similar now.

  3. Alicia: You know, I wouldn’t mind that at all! Some shovelware iOS developer making a Jingle Cats rip-off, I mean. As long as it’s enjoyable, of course 🙂 Anyway, thanks for listening to the podcast!

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